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No waitlist!

Waitlists have become a giant waste of time for both buyers and breeders so Regal Lane does NOT have one. We want to give everyone an equal opportunity to purchase a kitten from us! Do not let this discourage you from applying, everyone has to pass the application process and there are plenty of things that could get people denied. The people who are active on my social media accounts or have messaged me before do get priority as well.

Regal Lane's Buying process


Read over our contract and Q&A page

Our next litter is due on Thanksgiving 2024. Please read our Q&A page and sample contract to be sure we are the right breeder for you. Contact us if you have any questions.


Submit an application

If you are a breeder, buying 2 kittens at once or a returning customer message me to have first dibs on kittens.

In advance, we will make a social media post saying the exact date and time that our application will be posted, this will give you a heads up and be able to prepare to get the best chance at reserving a kitten. Once kittens are 10-12 weeks old, our application will be made available for you to apply for a specific kitten. On the application you will specify which kitten(s) you want. If you are open to more than one kitten you will list all of them in order of your interest. 


People who are active on my social media accounts or have messaged me before get priority. 

This sometimes discourages people from applying thinking they'll never "beat out" everyone else but there is a lot that could get peoples application denied and the kitten they want may not fit with their family/ lifestyle. There are other things that go into accepting applications and kittens will not be going to just anyone just because they applied first.


After being accepted

If accepted, you will have to sign a contract and send a $500 deposit for the kitten to officially be reserved for you, which is subtracted from the total and not an additional fee. 

Not sending a deposit will result in the kitten being offered to someone else.


pick up & shipping

Kittens must be paid for in full before being handed over to you. The deposit is subtracted from the total and not an additional charge.

Pickup will be at the Yelm Tractor Supply ONLY. We do not do meet ups at any other place.

If you live outside of Washington you can either hire us, a flight nanny or fly into the Seattle-Tacoma international airport where we will drop the kitten off to you to fly home in cabin. 


Kittens go home no earlier than the weekend after they turn 16 weeks old. kittens will not go home earlier than 16 weeks old for any reason as they need time to heal after their alter surgery.

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